School Improvement Council
SIC is a broad-based community advisory group comprised of parents, teachers, and community members established in every school. This advisory group works with the principal to cultivate a positive school environment supporting student success.
Meeting Dates
- October 18, 2023
- December 13, 2023
- January 31, 2024
- March 6, 2024
- April 17, 2024
All meetings are at 8 a.m.
SIC Agendas & Minutes
- October 18. 2023
- December 13. 2023
- January 31. 2024
- March 6, 2024
- April 17, 2024
- Report to the Parents
October 18. 2023
Welcome & Introductions
SIC Purpose and Goals
State of the School
Data Review and School Goals
Counselor Update
Upcoming Meeting Dates
*By June 2024, the school will add at least 3 more community partners (starting off from a baseline of 21 going to 24 or more) to help create and sustain a positive and inclusive learning environment.  *By June 2024, the school will reduce the number of students with 10 or more total absences from 54 students (10% of the student population of 529) down to 42 students (or 8% of the student population). *By June 2024, K-5 students will show a decrease of 4% or more in the areas of low-to-low average on Reading MAP from Fall to Spring *By June 2024, K-5 students will show a decrease of 4% or more in the areas of low-to-low average on Math MAP from Fall to Spring
At Summerville Elementary School, we… *ensure school is a safe and happy place for our children. *believe all children can learn to the best of their abilities. *educate the whole child. *believe relationships matter. *prepare our students to be productive, positive citizens in society.
Vision: Inspiring greatness through learning, leadership, and love.
Mission: To educate and empower students to reach their fullest potential
Welcome & Introductions-
Mr. Lagasca introduced all members, members shared about their role at SES and in the community.
SIC Purpose and Goals
The SIC purpose and goals information was shared with the members. This information is found in the SIC information brochure.
State of the School
Mr. Lagasca and Mrs. Matzelle shared information about the school. Our EXCELLENT school report card rating and staffing.
Data Review and School Goals
Reviewed SCReady, DRA, and MAP data from Spring 23 and also our goals for this year based on this data.
Counselor Update
Mrs. Harlow and Mrs. Kay shared with members their goals for this year, small groups that they plan to meet with, and ways that they are assisting teachers and students in the class.
Upcoming Meeting Dates
December 13, 2023 January 31, 2024- ERD March 6, 2024 April 3, 2024
December 13. 2023
Welcome –
Members present: Lewis, Lagasca, Matzelle, Kay, Tupper, Perez
State of the School-
Capturing Kids Hearts update and implementation, Need to hire a SpEd assistant and adult support
Data Review and School Goals-
Reviewed current MAP data
Counselor Update-
Boys/Girls group meeting in 2nd and 3rd grades- checking to see if reduced referrals results from counseling, Both mentor groups are up and running
School Event Feedback and Suggestions-
Discussed new Community Partner initiative, Hands and Gloves for the Homeless, Improvements to Fall Festival, PTA Meetings and Kona Ice sales, Suggested that weekly call-out occur with immediate reminders
Upcoming Meeting Dates
January 31, 2024- ERD March 6, 2024 April 3, 2024
January 31. 2024
Glad to have 8 in attendance for this meeting
State of the School
Mrs. Matzelle shared that we are fully staffed and will soon get allocations for next year. We expect to do some shifting in grade levels as numbers grow and change.
Data Review and School Goals
Reviewed Winter MAP data and our DD2 standing and NWEA norms for both RIT and growth.
Counselor Update
Harlow and Kay shared about Career Fair and how they would love to have the help of SIC to reach out to the community.
School Event Feedback and Suggestions
Discussed all prior events, especially monthly PTA mtgs with grade level focus… how to improve these. Also discussed changes to the Ball for All event and parent feedback about that event. Addition of more food trucks to evening events so parents have dinner options.
Upcoming Meeting Dates
March 6, 2024 April 3, 2024
March 6, 2024
New Panel
State of the School- Lagasca/Matzelle
*Reviewed installation of new fobs, hiring new teachers/staff, did a conference update from ESEA and GYTO conferences.
Review Title I Strategies/Programs (PPT)- Lewis
*Went through the PowerPoint with all of the Title Reform Strategies, with information about how SES meets each of these strategies. SIC members used the agenda/note-taking sheet as we reviewed each strategy to make suggestions for changes or possible additions for next year.
Feedback on Parent Involvement Policy and School-Parent Compact
*SIC Chair showed committee both of these documents and briefly went over recent changes. Asked SIC to take these documents home and make any edits, then bring back to our Spring Planning #2 meeting.
Feedback on Parent Training/Events
*All events from this year (and those to come) were listed on the agenda/note-taking sheet. SIC members were asked to circle events that they attended or plan to attend and give feedback at our next meeting.
Next year forecast- Lagasca/Lewis
***Spring Planning Meeting #2 will be April 17th @ 8:00 am
April 17, 2024
Welcome- Lewis/Lagasca
State of the School- Lagasca/Matzelle
Review Spring Planning #1- Lewis
Feedback on Parent Involvement Policy and School-Parent Compact
Feedback on Parent Training/Events
Review DD2 Parent Brochure- Lewis
Review Needs Assessment Information- Lagasca/Lewis
Title One Plan Proposal 24/25- Lewis/Lagasca
Counselor Update- Harlow/Kay
Welcome- In attendance: Lewis, Lagasca, Matzelle, Harlow, Kay, Perez, Lutes, Tupper, Scott, Savage
State of the School- Updated number of teachers leaving, hiring and allocations for next year. Talked about facilities and upcoming changes due to the referendum.
Review Spring Planning #1- Lewis went over notes from Powerpoint… discussed UFLI concerns and intervention needs for next year.
Feedback on Parent Involvement Policy and School-Parent Compact- Tupper gave a few revisions, mostly grammatical for Compact.
Feedback on Parent Training/Events- Discussed importance of monthly PTA/Grade-level nights. Really like the teacher info and counselor tips to parents. Also agreed that Ball for All should become a Love of Reading/Literacy event instead.
Review DD2 Parent Brochure- No concerns or changes
Review Needs Assessment Information- Discussed both Title One survey and Report Card parent survey. Also discussed school/student climate surveys.
Report to the Parents Review- Looked over carefully, made many edits and additions to include accomplishments and new programs going on in the school.
Title One Plan Proposal 24/25- Reviewed the upcoming budget proposal… keeping Halter for 1st/2nd grade interventions, reduce Melling’s hours by 100 for the year. Will meet with the PTA Executive Board to ask for help with programs and possible professional development.
Counselor Update- Harlow/Kay- both counselors shared their professional goal results. Harlow was attendance and Kay was to decrease the number of referrals. Both counselors made great gains in both reducing absences and behavior referrals.
Report to the Parents
SES Notable
· “We LOVE, we LEARN, we LEAD” was our theme and focus this year as we looked at building a relationship-driven school culture. Our goal was to incorporate Capturing Kids’ Hearts as a way to increase social-emotional wellness among our students and staff.
· Our Robotics team, the Turtlebots, was the only DD2 Elementary school to qualify for the State level competition.
· Began a Community Partners incentive program to recognize business partners who give time and money to support our school.
· Started a “Kindness Campaign” to encourage random acts of kindness at our school.
· Continued “All Pro Dads” led by our principal to teach character traits that help build strong families and relationships in and outside school. Also continued Leading Ladies and the Sea Turtle Breakfast club to reach SES kids who need a strong adult mentor in their life.
· Continued “Backpack Buddies” and our “Blessing Box” to provide meals to our school family and community.
Summerville Elementary School School Improvement Council
Title I Committee
2023-2024 Members
Lindsay Lewis, Chair
Jeff Lagasca
Nadine Perez
Kathryn Tupper
Carrie Lutes
Kristin Kay
Mary Lynn Harlow
Erika Matzelle
Chymeka Scott
Purpose of the Report
“This Report is issued by the SES School Improvement Council in accordance with South Carolina law to share information on the school’s progress in meeting various goals and objectives, the work of the SIC, and other accomplishments during the school year.”
Report to the Parents
Summerville Elementary School…Inspiring Greatness
through learning, leadership,
and love.
Jeff Lagasca, Principal
Erika Matzelle, Assistant Principal
835 South Main St.
Summerville, South Carolina 29483
Fax: 843-821-3988
Mission Statement:
To educate and empower
students to reach their fullest potential
The History of Summerville
Elementary School
Summerville Elementary sits in beautiful, historic downtown Summerville, SC. The school was built in 1954. It has been operating for 70 years and has only had 6 principals. We currently serve approximately 570 three-year-old through fifth grade students.
Our school theme this year was, “We LOVE, we LEARN, we LEAD” which helped us focus on ways we build community within our school as we learn together and grow student leaders. Several churches volunteered as readers and completed beautification projects around our campus. We added an electronic sign in front of the school which helps us to recognize Community Partners and inform our school parents and community about upcoming events.
SES staff was trained in Capturing Kids’ Hearts, a district initiative which creates for staff and students a common language of social-emotional wellbeing, student connectedness, and helps build a relationship-driven culture. Aspects of this program are shared on the morning show and at monthly faculty meetings.
SES enjoyed hosting several parenting and student-centered events such as: Meet the Teacher, Open House, PTA Meetings and Performances, Book Fairs, Fall Festival, Grandparent Day, Ball for All, STEAM Night, All Pro Dads, Awards Days, Career Fair, Sleep Tight Sundays, Leading Ladies, Sea Turtle Breakfast Club, and Terrific Kid. All events continue to be well attended and connect our staff and students with our parents and families.
Points of Pride for
DD2 continued MAP testing for Reading and Math 3 times a year for all students K– 5th grades. Also teachers administered District Formative Assessments for Reading and Math to deliver and assess rigorous, standards-based lessons.
SES received an EXCELLENT report card rating from the SC Department of Education for the 3rd year in a row! We are the only DD2 Title One school to achieve this recognition!
Reading Data…
3rd– 71% Meets/Exceeds- +17%
4th– 69% Meets/Exceeds– +3%
5th– 75% Meets/Exceeds– +13%
Math Data…
3rd– 56% Meets/Exceeds- +1%
4th– 62% Meets/Exceeds– -3%
5th– 72% Meets/Exceeds– +19%
SIC Improvement Goals
GOAL: Student Achievement
*By June 2024, K-5 students will show a decrease of 4% or more in the areas of low-to-low average on Reading and Math MAP from Fall to Spring Strategies: MAP Data and Formative Assessments to drive instruction, Differentiated instruction, Reading Interventions for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades, Math Support in 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades. Math and Reading enrichment for students exceeding expectations in K, 1, and 2. Reading Mentors in K5.
GOAL: School Climate
*By June 2024, the school will add at least 3 more community partners (starting off from a baseline of 21 going to 24 or more) to help create and sustain a positive and inclusive learning environment.
*By June 2024, the school will reduce the number of students with 10 or more total absences from 54 students (10% of the student population of 529) down to 42 students (or 8% of the student population).
Strategies: Set up Community Partners incentive program with ways to recognize our partners through social media and our electronic sign. Weekly reminders are sent to out to parents to remind them about the importance of attendance and being on time for school. Students are recognized at Award Ceremonies for perfect attendance. We reach out to our at-risk populations through Leading Ladies, Sea Turtle Breakfast Club, All Pro Dads.
~The School Improvement Council provides valuable suggestions and input to assist SES in meeting these goals.