SES- POWER UP! 2024-2025
SIC Meeting Notes October 17th, 2024
Introductions New and Returning members- Katherine Tupper (returning), Shannon Laughlin, Cheyenne Horne, Derrick Hummel, Jill Blades (new)
Purpose of SIC
State of the School - Mr. Lagasca reviewed that we are fully staffed but will be losing one teacher… in the process of interviewing. Reviewed the school goals and discussed the challenges of large SpEd numbers in classrooms. Also discussed Community Partner donations and programs that are impacting SES. Assistant Principal, Erika Matzelle reviewed all of the safety updates- use of Raptor in the school, new door fobs and front office check-in process.
Program Updates - Counselors: Kristin Kay and Shannon Loughran both shared their counselor goals for behavior and attendance and how they plan to meet their goals for this upcoming year. Also updated SIC about classroom guidance and how they meet with individuals and groups throughout the year. Intervention- Lindsay Lewis, Title One Facilitator shared current interventions being held at SES and the staff who work with students.
Parenting - Past Events: reviewed and discussed Grandparent Day, Intervention Night, PTA-4th/5th grade information night, All Pro Dads, SleepTight Sunday- pros and cons Upcoming Events- Fall Festival, Veteran’s Day, PTA parenting nights… will send out parent survey mid-year to get feedback from parents about events they attended
Election of Officers - Voted to have Mrs. Lindsay Lewis be the SIC chair.
Upcoming Meetings Nov. 21, Jan. 16, Feb. 20, April 24, May 22